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From Talk to Action: 4 Critical Strategies for 2016
Globalization. Product launches. Market expansion. R&D. Productivity improvements. Cost containment. No matter what strategic goals your organization has set for 2016, one thing is certain: you’ll need great people to achieve them! Get your team to stop talking about workforce challenges -- and start finding, keeping and developing the talent you need.
Holiday Slack Attack!
Not "feeling it" at work lately? Even the most driven leaders can fall into a performance slump during the holidays. If you have the urge to SLACK this time of year, resist it -- and do this instead.
Leadership Tip of the Month:
"The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity"
-- Dorothy Parker, American poet, writer, critic and satirist
Fact of the Month: Employees Slacking, Too?
According to a survey cited in
this article:
64% of employees visit non-work-related websites every day while on the job. Of that group, 39% spend 1 hour or less per week, but nearly a quarter (24%) waste 5 hours per week or more on non-work-related activities. The biggest culprit? No surprise: Facebook.
Productivity problems? Turnover issues? Struggling to hire the qualified people you need, Todd? Give Vector Technical, Inc. a call at 440-946-8800, and we'll cut your 2016 workforce challenges down to size.